Saturday, February 28, 2009


HI all

Red5 server is for streaming live videos and it is totally coded based on java
so for java developers who are experienced it is quite easy and the way it streams.
It is also coded based on spring frame work and there are some configuration files for configuring the permissions and some client code for getting streaming from server

cairngorm vs pureMVC frame works

pure mvc
- it is lightweight framework
- it is written as an Flash, Flex and AIR framework so you can use it everywhere
- it is very well documented
- samples you can find on the official site are enough to get you started
- Cliff Hall (author) is actively working on it and working on educating people

cairngorm framework
- it is developed and used by Adobe consulting
- it has a lot of resources on the internet
- probably most developers are familiar with it

singletons are referenced everywhere
- it doesn't follow don't repeat yourself pattern

Thursday, February 26, 2009

links for cairngorm

about cairngorm architecture

Hi all

For RIA developers the new architecture from adobe is cairngorm. cairngorm is implementing multiple design patterns and it is light weight architecture for developing large applications.
It is not best suit for developing small scale applications and the seperation is very fine and event handling also very neat